These solutions are viable, but costly and awkward, effectively making Capcom vs. Alternately, you could spend money on converter cables that let you hook up a PlayStation 2 gamepad to your GameCube. There's at least one good arcade-style GameCube-compatible joystick available, the X-arcade, and at least one other such peripheral is on the horizon, though currently no standard six-button gamepads are either available or planned for the system. The good news is, there are a few ways to get around the awful controls, if you desperately want to play Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO isn't even really intrinsic to the core game.

It's somewhat sad that the biggest problem with Capcom vs. That tiny, inconveniently located directional pad is cumbersome to use with this game, and the placement of the other controller buttons is just as bad. The presence of the traditional control scheme mitigates these problems somewhat, but the GameCube controller doesn't wear it well. The character balance gets completely thrown off, as relatively hard-to-execute moves are no longer hard to execute, making some of them-like that spinning pile driver-obscenely overpowered. It also saps most of the fun out of the game and makes competitive play pointless. Arguably, this grossly simplified control scheme opens up some new tactical possibilities-if you've ever wondered how a computer-controlled Blanka could execute his roll attack while walking forward, well, now you can actually pull off such outrageous stunts. Charge moves such as Guile's sonic boom, which normally require players to press and hold a button or controller direction, now require no charging. For example, Russian wrestler Zangief's spinning pile driver, normally requiring a full-circle motion on a joystick or directional pad, is now executed simply by pressing forward on the analog stick. Yet the biggest deal with the new controls is that the right analog stick lets you easily perform all your character's various special moves, which normally would be executed with relatively complex combinations of controller motions and button presses. This bizarre throwback to the giant rubber-coated pressure-sensitive punch and kick buttons from the original Street Fighter arcade game is perhaps amusing, but the amusement ends as soon as you start trying to throw quick flurries of jabs or properly time your roundhouse kicks. The controller's two shoulder buttons function as pressure-sensitive punch and kick buttons, allowing you to execute basic attacks haphazardly at best.

For starters, in the new control scheme, you use the GameCube's left analog stick to move your character around, but unfortunately, the analog stick isn't nearly as precise as a digital pad-or a digital arcade stick, for that matter. This is an innovative but ultimately misguided attempt to address the fact that the stock GameCube controller is completely unfit for use with a traditional fighting game. SNK 2 is the presence of a new optional control scheme exclusively designed for the GameCube. The only real difference between this and older versions of Capcom vs. Unfortunately, the GameCube's controller just wasn't designed to work well with a game like this, and it cripples your ability to play and enjoy it, regardless of a new control scheme designed for Nintendo's console. What's left is by all means a solid fighting game, filled with many likable characters. Now it's a reality, and the novelty is long gone. SNK game was nothing short of unthinkable, as the two companies were seen as close competitors. All these games have pitted the characters from Capcom's and SNK's many popular fighting games from over the years against each other. SNK 2 for the Dreamcast, which was a perfect port of the arcade version of the game, which was closely based on the 2-year-old original.

SNK 2 for the PS2, which was basically identical to Capcom vs. This particular version of the game is basically identical to last year's Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO, the first 2D fighting game for the GameCube and the bazillionth fighting game featuring Ken. There's really not much new in Capcom vs.